Book’s Treasure


I wanted to make booknooks for quite a while and chose to make them like bookends. I figured that if i made them a nice size, with an exterior looking like books, and an interior looking like a diorama and having a wood structure, it could make perfect camouflage bookends. I never did any miniature before, but since I like to give myself a challenge, I guess it was the perfect time. I made some sketches first of what I would love to try and couldn’t chose between street-like and interior rooms, so I did the two of them. From my sketches, I made real size drawings, with the proper proportions to have a guide. I used mostly cardboard from cereal boxes as support material, and lots of various other bits to create these complex decors, like wood from match sticks, coffee stirers, toothpicks, foam, fabric, plastic sheets from packaging for the windows, beads, metal wires etc… I’m quite pleased and proud of the results, and even though it’s not perfect, I learned a lot by making this project and would definitly make dioramas again.